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Command-line tool for managing Spotify playlists, including filtering and sorting playlists by track tempo and key.

Written in Python using the Spotipy library and the Spotify Web API, SortSpotify allows users to automate the organisation and sorting of their Spotify playlists using hidden data such as track tempo (BPM), key, and genre. You can also export saved playlist data as a CSV file for other uses, such as prining album labels for a physical (e.g. vinyl) collection (an additional feature I’ll be adding soon!).

This is a command-line application run from a terminal window - but don’t let that put you off! It can be easily installed and set up by following the instructions below. You can also check out the code on GitHub.

Features #

  • Create new playlists or filter existing playlists by track tempo (BPM) and key (Camelot values)
  • Sort playlists in ascending or descending order by track tempo (BPM)
  • Save playlist data as a spreadsheet (.csv file)

Requirements #

Installation #

  • Clone the repository
    git clone
  • Install the requirements
    cd SortSpotify
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup #

  • Head over to Spotify for Developers and create an app
  • Open the app dashboard and find the Client ID and Client Secret
  • In the app settings, add https://localhost:8080 to your Redirect URIs
  • Open config.txt and add your Spotify username, Client ID and Client Secret

Usage #

SortSpotify can be used as a command line tool

  • Open your terminal, navigate to the SortSpotify directory and run:
python -m

If it’s your first time running the code, you will need to authenticate the app and give it permission to access your Spotify data. An internet browser tab should open automatically to do this.

  • Once started, commands can be executed by entering the name of a command. A list of commands can be found by typing HELP
SDJ> create playlist
SDJ> sort playlist

Please also note: playlists are not automatically added to your Spotify library when they are created using this tool. To add a playlist to your library, run:

SDJ> add to spotify

Examples #

  • Below is an example demonstrating how to create a playlist, add tracks to the playlist, filter the playlist to only contain tracks with BPM between 115 and 125, before then adding the playlist to your Spotify library
Welcome to SortSpotify: A command-line interface for managing and creating Spotify playlists.
Type HELP for list of available commands or EXIT to terminate.

SDJ> create playlist
Enter a name for your playlist: House 110-120 BPM
Playlist House/Disco 110-120 BPM created.

SDJ> add to playlist

Your Spotify playlists:

   1  Discover Weekly
   2  Release Radar
   3  House
   4  Disco
   5  Jazz
   6  Soul
   7  Hip Hop
   8  Garage
   9  Techno
  10  Alternative

Enter the number(s) of the playlists to be added (e.g. 0,1,3) or ALL: 3,4
Tracks from House added to House/Disco 115-125 BPM
Tracks from Disco added to House/Disco 115-125 BPM

SDJ> filter playlist
How would you like to filter the playlist (by tempo or key)?: tempo
Please enter a BPM range (e.g. 110:120): 115:125
Tracks filtered by tempo. Playlist now contains 202 tracks.

SDJ> add to spotify
Playlist added to your Spotify library.

SDJ> exit
SortSpotify has terminated.