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My research interests lie in developing data-driven methods and models to accelerate drug discovery. Currently, this is focussed on identifying new drug targets and molecules for cancer therapies via targeted protein degradation.

Publications #

  • Warren, M.T., Valsson, I., Deane, C.M., Magarkar, A., Morris, G.M. and Biggin, P.C. (2024). How to make machine learning scoring functions competitive with FEP. (Under review) preprint
  • Warren, M.T., Biggs, C.I., Bissoyi, A., Gibson, M.I. and Sosso, G.C. (2023). Data-driven discovery of potent small molecule ice recrystallisation inhibitors. (Under review) preprint
  • Warren, M.T., Galpin, I., Bachtiger, F., Gibson, M.I. and Sosso, G.C. (2022). Ice recrystallization inhibition by amino acids: The curious case of alpha-and beta-alanine. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 13(9), 2237-2244.
  • Warren, M.T., Galpin, I., Hasan, M., Hindmarsh, S.A., Padrnos, J.D., Edwards-Gayle, C., Mathers, R.T., Adams, D.J., Sosso, G.C. and Gibson, M.I. (2022). Minimalistic ice recrystallisation inhibitors based on phenylalanine. Chemical Communications, 58(55), 7658-7661.

For a detailed list of publications see my Google Scholar or ORCID profile.